The government of India ordered lockdown as precautionary measure to stop the spread of COVID-19. This order limited the movement of 1.3 Billion people of India (except essential services) and forced them to stay home and this step was the need of the hour. But the people of India didn't have habit to stay home as most of them belongs from working class and goes to their workplaces daily.People were getting bored day by day so they started cooking new new dishes daily to pass their time.
Then the Indians started uploading the pictures of food on social media by using hashtag #homemade and also giving challenges to their friends and colleagues to do the same.In few days it becomes a new trend on social media and every wants to cook something new and delicious.
The people got help from the Google platform, YouTube. From here, the people watched the videos of cooking and learnt cooking new dishes daily. Both the males and females specially youth started cooking which makes them skilled and self dependent.
1.The people got healthy, delicious and hygienic food at home.
2.Indians spending quality time with their families and making memories for future.
3.Learnt new skills during lockdown.
4.Staying safe from COVID-19 by staying at home.
5.Became self dependent for future.
6.Learn to utilizes the resources whatever they have.
Indians believe that the way of heart goes through the way of stomach❤
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